special name

美 [ˈspeʃl neɪm]英 [ˈspeʃl neɪm]
  • 网络特殊名称;特别的名字
special namespecial name
  1. Network with such properties has a special name : scale-free network .


  2. He has a very special name too .


  3. So this place has got a special name .


  4. Gets a value indicating whether the property is the special name .


  5. Is there a special name for the fans of your team ?


  6. There is even a special name for it * Road rage !


  7. Do you have a special name who you call your beloved ?


  8. You have a very special name . I think you must be a unique girl .


  9. Except for its special name , a dot file is a plain text file .


  10. On the Judicial Judgement of the Special Name Belonging to A Well-known Commodity


  11. I got this special name from my grandparents because they wanted me to have a bright future .


  12. But a young female cow , especially one that has not had a calf yet , has a special name .


  13. But we have a special name for a young female cow , especially if it has not had a calf yet .


  14. The special name belonging to a well-known commodity is a new type of intellectual property which is protected by Law Against Unfair Competition .


  15. That 's because penicillin may have some kind of special name brand from a famous company or it may just be regular old penicillin .


  16. This value is a special name recognized by WSS4J to mean that the client certificate used to sign the request should be used to encrypt the response .


  17. Regional brand is a special name regarding region as a brand . It is a comprehensive reflection of regional characteristics , economic development , regional reputation , quality , history and culture .


  18. The former were group into special name + common name and no common name . According to key words , the latter was divided into the rational demand and the perceptual demand .


  19. The Ruby language also has attributes ( although they don 't have a special name like " attributes " & they are one of many metaprogramming techniques Ruby offers ) .


  20. In this paper we put forward an inverse name frequency model . Based on this model , context pattern , adjacent chain , special name table and position dependent information , we designed an effective system for automatically identifying Chinese names in texts .


  21. Design a Chinese word segmentation algorithm based on priority special name : using dictionary mechanism which combine synonyms dictionary , general dictionary and special dictionary , cut the sentences by special name firstly , and get the segmentation result of disambiguating with Trigram mode lastly .


  22. Verification and Discrimination on the Special Place name of Tianjin


  23. The second argument references the actual special formula name , and any subsequent arguments are specific to the special formula being invoked .


  24. Hackers use Unicode control characters0x202E ( RLO ) to reverse parts of a special file name , which changes the look of the file name in Windows Explorer .


  25. You can 't just change the global paragraph style because that would affect them all , so you are forced to place a special class name on all those first paragraphs to specifically control them .


  26. To access Portlet scope variables from the servlet requires a special namespaced name value that is based on the portlet 's ID that was set when it was originally deployed into a portal .


  27. First Nations , is the special and typical name for those native people of Canada and their descendants .


  28. When merging or splitting a face , we give some special rules to name the new faces . These rules make face-mapping simpler .


  29. Is there any special meaning of your name ?


  30. Specifies that the property is special , with the name describing how the property is special .
